- find a place in Juneau that offers classes and take one or two.. thinking of starting with painting
2. run at least 3 times a week to maintain some sort of in shapeness
- sign up for the Juneau marathon next summer and finally check that off my goal list
- maybe even go all out and do the aukeman sprint triathalon.. but then i need to add learn swimming strokes to this list
3. finally make it to the very end of the lemon creek trail
- its been attempting 4 times now but never plan enough time to get to the end.. its going to happen asap
4. look into the Juneau bowling league (or something similar.. scrabble club?)
- not a good bowler but i don't think that completely matters.. its about having fun and learning right
5. learn how to ski/ snowboard
- this is pending on snow fall and when i can recruit local friends to patiently teach me how
6. read at least a book a month
- get a library card.. funny i haven't already done this since my roommate works for the library :)
7. finally get my alaska driver's license
- i mainly blame the dmv hours for why i have yet to do this..
8. cook myself a decent healthy meal at least once a week
- i love to cook but just don't take the time often enough..
9. go back and beat all the mario levels to obtain all 3 star coins in each so we can defeat world 9
- this may take some time..
10. keep improve my knitting skills
- try out different patterns to stretch my abilities
- a few more scarves then move onto hats eventually socks for my dad :)