Sunday, November 7, 2010

To Do List..

1. work on my art skills (more accurately obtain any form of art skills)
  • find a place in Juneau that offers classes and take one or two.. thinking of starting with painting

2. run at least 3 times a week to maintain some sort of in shapeness

  • sign up for the Juneau marathon next summer and finally check that off my goal list
  • maybe even go all out and do the aukeman sprint triathalon.. but then i need to add learn swimming strokes to this list

3. finally make it to the very end of the lemon creek trail

  • its been attempting 4 times now but never plan enough time to get to the end.. its going to happen asap

4. look into the Juneau bowling league (or something similar.. scrabble club?)

  • not a good bowler but i don't think that completely matters.. its about having fun and learning right

5. learn how to ski/ snowboard

  • this is pending on snow fall and when i can recruit local friends to patiently teach me how

6. read at least a book a month

  • get a library card.. funny i haven't already done this since my roommate works for the library :)

7. finally get my alaska driver's license

  • i mainly blame the dmv hours for why i have yet to do this..

8. cook myself a decent healthy meal at least once a week

  • i love to cook but just don't take the time often enough..

9. go back and beat all the mario levels to obtain all 3 star coins in each so we can defeat world 9

  • this may take some time..

10. keep improve my knitting skills

  • try out different patterns to stretch my abilities
  • a few more scarves then move onto hats eventually socks for my dad :)

Monday, October 4, 2010

Summer Summary

So its been a while since I have come on here.. its only appropriate to include a summary of my summer adventures in Juneau Alaska:

1. summitted 5 mountains

2. hiked countless trails mainly with my one main hiking buddy and friend Sara :)

3. king crabbing with Brandi, Carl, Katy, and Evan.. pulled the pot up assembly line style :)

4. salmon slaying

5. shrimping

6. helicopter ride up to walk on the Meade Glacier with Rikkaela Ruby :)

7. bought a road bike and have done some sweet long rides

8. boated out to tracy arm to see the Seward Glacier with Kara and Stephanie, my friend Deborah also was randomly on the same little tour! saw some of the biggest calving, shooters, and swells also saw a huge iceberg flip over! :)

9. went off roading with Rikki in her jeep

10. played sardines at the castle playground all hours of the night with my sweet cycle alaska friends :)

11. countless bonfires under the Alaskan Sky saw some sweet sunsets, stars, a comet, a meteor shower

12. amazing northern lights casting a reflection on mendenhall lake and framing the mountains

13. late night canoe adventures with rafting friends, walked on the biggest iceberg

14. camped on a couple different islands

15. shot clay pigeons

16. toured the coast guard boat thanks to Mitch my coast guard friend

17. Climbed in icecaves multiple times

18. Mountain biking with Bradford.. questionable trails too extra adventurous :)

19. semi illegal night activities with my partner in crime Michael :)

20. mine ruins and sketchy tunnels exploration

21. Kayak adventure with Debbie, Mego, and some of Debbies friends

22. River Rafting (lame river.. but great guides Jess and Kara)

23. Oktober Fest on top of tram with Brandi, Carl, Katy, Nick, and Megan

Such Great Times and This Hardly Does My Amazing Summer Justice :)

Friday, June 25, 2010

Juneau Update #6

Trail #7 Mount Roberts

So this one started as the campus crusade prayer hike which was absolutely amazing. Hiking through the woods surrounded by fellow believers all lifting prayers and praise to our God and Father.. it doesn't get any better then that! We focused on many different aspects of prayer and our Christain walks. On top of that we practiced different styles of prayers sometime praying silently by ourselves, as a group outloud as we hiked, or my personaly favorite Korean style.

Only 5 of us decided to continue on to summit the mountain: Rikki, John, Robin, Jonny, and myself. I could not have asked for a better group of hiking buddies to continue this experience with. They are all so full of passion for missions in the here and now sense meaning wherever they find themselves around the globe. This spoke volumes into my own life thinking about how God can and does use me where I am at and how essential the power of prayer is. Looking around my daily life I constantly come across people who desperately need to be filled with the hope, joy, and peace our Savior offers.. coworkers, store clerks, gas station workers, tourists, my haircutter lady, basically Juneau population as a whole. I am His hands and feet here specifically in Juneau at the moment and it is endless what God is capable of doing. I want to be in constant prayer for the Spirit of God to be moving in these people's lives, readying them to accept His gospel message as well as for the believers here to be emitting the light of Jesus to all the people around them, for their community and fellowship here, for their desire to be used by God and to grow intamtely closer to God because He desires those things.

Random Life: Cole, Lisa, and I are suppose to hit up Toy Story 3 tomorrow now that I have finally seen the first two movies. Biking is becoming a favorite activity of mine and I have Cylce Alaska to thank for that. I finally bought all the baking supplies so now I am going to be making a batch of snicker doodle cookies for a picnic sunday evening and then some caramel apple cinnamen rolls just because I want some and enjoy baking so much.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Juneau Update #5

Trail #5 Peterson Lake

Roundtrip: 8.6 miles

This trail is pretty amazing, it has the sound of a creek in the distance and goes through thick trees. Very very muddy however and many trees have fallen over the path. Right in the middle there is a little meadow/bog area. I actually hiked this on one of my days off by myself. Talk about wonderful alone time it took almost 4 hours so i had a lot of reflection and prayer time. Blessing from God.

Trail #6 Thunder Mountain

The route we took was probably only 3 miles to the top, it was the steeper option but honestly this hike was very enjoyable. Of course it is up a mountain so I can't say it was completely easy but compared to McGinnis and Juneau i thought this one was easier. We got lucky and it cleared up enough to see part of the view from the top! I hiked it with Morgan, her mom Melissa, my coworker Sara and her twin sister Melissa such a great group of ladies!!

Other recent adventures include Kayaking with Debbie Douglas, Megan, two seasoned sisters and their husbands. We went acrossed Mendenhall lake up to the glacier, around icebergs, pretty much under nugget falls! Sooooooo much fun and afterwards we all hit up bullwinkles pizza for some good conversation

Friday, June 11, 2010

Juneau Update #4

Trail #4: Granite Creek

Roundtrip 7 miles

This trails starts with the first half of Perseverance trail then branches off, following along Granite Creek to its basin. It is my new favorite, extremely gorgeous, just the right feel to it. Part of it is through woods, you always get to hear the sound of the creek, mountains are right there surrounding you, the trail is well kept yet still rugged, there is a waterfall towards the end. I did the full trail with Morgan Fisher and Alison joined us just for the first half.

I feel right at home in Juneau, it's rather amazing. I feel as if I have lived here my whole life somehow. It really is my perfect spot on this earth.. perfect weather for me, plently of trails to hike, fish to catch, breath-taking scenery, people to hang with.. I could easily see myself living here for a good chunk of my life.

Thursday night women's Bible study at waffle co. is a highlight of my week. We discussed Romans ch 2 this week. Talk about a convicting chapter in a good sense though. Read it so you can know what i mean :)

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Juneau Update #3

Trail #3: West Glacier

Roundtrip: 6.8 miles

This is a fun, quick trail out to the Mendenhall. Brenna and I went out there, hung out for a good hour exploring ice caves. Sadly, the ice caves are not nearly as sweet as they were two years ago.. best part of the trail is scaling a rock cliff, we took a more dangerous route up

Work story of the week: during my Wed morning bike tour, we saw a black bear!!! he walked across the street towards us and then went into the woods

Life Update: thanks to Cole and Lisa, I have officially seen the movie Toy Story.. in the near future I will finally see Toy Story 2. My life is getting closer to complete. Also I am now first aid and CPR certified.

Prayer: Thanks to God for all the amazing people who live up here, for my great coworkers and job, for being surrounded by mountains!! for Crossroads church group and reaching downtown Juneau, for Project Golf and all the work God will do through them, for our Thursday night women's bible study and the book of Romans.. that i would constantly be watching and waiting for the return of my Lord and that my life would reflect Him.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Juneau Update #2

Trail #2: Mount McGinnis

Round trip: 10 miles

Yes that would be a real mountain. Recommended climbing season is not until summer and fall. There is a reason for that, once we got past the treeline it was pure snow to the top. Let me tell you that the added snow resistance makes the hike up a lot harder but once at the top it was the most gorgeous view! Nice sunny day so we hung out at the top for a while and enjoyed it, I even got sunburned. Climbing buddies were two of my coworkers Sara and Kristin.

After the Mountain, Morgan and Nick took Brenna and I out crabbing! We got 10 keepers and I cleaned 2 of them. Its kind of intense, you have to grab and hold back all of the claws then rip of the shell, break the crab into two pieces and then wash out all the guts. Soon we will be having a nice crab dinner

Thursday night we had our first women's bible study at the waffle co. I am looking forward to those every Thursday for the next 3 months. Earlier that day I spent at least 3 hours swimming in Auke Lake!!! It was been that nice out this week to make that experience enjoyable

Now I have to go pack up my tent and gear for an overnight camp trip to Aaron Island. More details on that and more to come!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Juneau Update #1

Summer Goal: complete every trail in the trail book.

One Trail Done: Windfall Lake Trail, 7 miles roundtrip, easy, nice path goes through trees along a river some of the way, across a few bridges and ultimately to the lake. Hiked with Brenna and Mego.

First day on the job: drove a 15 passenger van no problem but still have yet to try it full of people with a trailor full of bikes on the back. Successfully biked one of the routes with tourists, nice route starting at Chapel by the lake, through campus down the back loop first stop at west side of glacier and then back around to east side. met some sweet tourists from England in the process and confident i am going to like my job

First sunday, attended just the sunday school portion of Douglas Island Bible Chapel with Alison and Sandon before rushing off to work. Saturday night attended Cross Roads service where Andrea attends. First night of ultimate frisbee, always a good time! Had a fire down at Auke rec where we saw flourescent algea lighting up by any movement! quite possibly the coolest thing i have ever seen

Friday, May 21, 2010


Route: across ND to Shelby, MT where we camped one night. I randomly have a friend who lives there and it just so happened to be his birthday that night so that was a nice surprise and addition to the trip. Got up drove right into Canada on Mountainous roads through Banff Canadian National Park and camped in Jasper. One of the cars had alternator problem so we stayed there all morning while the car was in the shop, took off eventually getting on the Alaska Highway and camped in Fort Nelson. Made it to Skagway the next day with extra time to enjoy. The next day spent on a Ferry was excellent, nice hot sunny with a breeze. Sat out on the top deck the whole time staring up at more mountains, arrived at Destination Juneau, Alaska.

Animal sitings: multiple moose, tons of caribou, 4 bears, 3 mountain sheep/rams, a few buffalo, whales, dolphins, sea lions.

Group traveled with: Brenna Malaney (good friend from UM), Mego Pace (new good friend and project Fox-trot Alum), Stephanie Woebbecke (friend from NE, Fox-trot alum and project Golf staff lady), Jacklyn and Armand (newly weds from MO and project Golf staff), and Robert, Steven, and Steele aka Scubes (3 Fox-trot Alum and Golf staff)

Total Miles: 2,835

Praise the Lord for: Safe travel, car problem quickly fixed and no real damage done, wonderful group of people traveled with and great conversations, an upcoming summer full of adventure, growth, and furthering of His Kingdom, the beauty of His creation, how great and awesome our God is and how that is seen all around us.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Things of this world..

So this past weekend I went to my family's lake home with a mission.. to go downstairs to the gross, damp, creepy, dirty basement and start cleaning. I put on a pair of rubber gloves and felt invincible. Went through boxes and boxes of junk.. many of them filled with decomposing papers, dishes, old christmas decorations.. It just reminded me of how all in this world will rot and decompose and eventually turn into nothing.

"Do not store up for yourselves treasure on earth, where moths and rust destroy, and where theives break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and rust do not destroy, and where theives do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also"
~Matthew 6:19-21

Thursday, May 6, 2010

At this moment

Alright so I am sitting here thinking about how I leave to head up to Juneau in 9 short days.

1. it makes me think about my friends at UM that i won't see again for a very very long time.
2. on the flip side, i am super excited to get back up there to see friends i haven't seen in a very very long time
3. it reminds me of the most special women in my life.. project Echo, and how we spent an epic summer up there furthering God's kingdom on all sorts of different levels :)
4. have to also give a shout out to the men's project '08, the greatest brothers i will ever know.

mostly i am excited to see all that God has instore for me up there! i get to travel with an amazing girl Brenna Malaney, my job at Cycle Alaska might kick my butt but i am guaranteed at least 3 sweet coworkers: Morgan, Alison, and Sandon. the famous Rikki Ruby and i will be having some great times! i also can't wait to catch up with Tessa, Andrea, CJ, Ruthie.. once again have a sweet women's bible study at the SE Waffle Co! dominate a few more mountains. slay some salmon, halibut, and crabs. meet a whole bunch of new people. just live the life!

real details to come as the summer progresses :)

Thursday, April 1, 2010


This is another night I want to document answered prayer and God going above and beyond in doing so. I am omitting details except that Anna and I had planned a special night, spent a full week praying for it and God once again blew me away with how He was at work in the room.

My women: Morgan, Colleen, Katelyn, Lindsey, Pang, Yoyin, Sarah, Beth, Valerie, Sharon, and Brenna. I am so thankful for each and everyone of them, how I have seen God working in their lives, transforming them into greater and greater women after God and His will in their lives. It truely is a huge blessing leading such an amazing bunch :)

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


so for about the past week the weather has been beautiful outside, sunny and getting dangerously close to 40 degrees! though this is not my favorite weather at all.. (i prefer rainy cloudy days).. but it still has been a smile from God because it has allowed me extended time outside, this has just added to a wonderful week! PTL! :)

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Best Day Ever :)

So today (Saturday Feb. 27th) was an all day women's retreat that I helped plan with my friend Sara. It was hands down a HUGE answer to prayer! We cast a vision for the day, choosing the theme of having an 'undivided heart for the Lord'.

We prayed for a big turnout (40 women) and we got at least 65! Amen to that :)

We prayed for the speakers and the lessons. Our friend Amelia gave one of the talks, our friend Rachael shared a personal story and our bible study leaders friend Melissa gave the other talk. Each lesson flowed perfectly from one to the next. Melissa started off the day talking about lies we believe rather than patiently waiting on God. Rach openly shared a personal struggle that had divided her heart from God and how once she started listening to God, He drew her out of it and closer to Himself. Then Amelia dove into the subject of sin and how that is the root of everything that keeps us from our Lord. Though none of these women knew what the others were exactly teaching, we could not have planned it to go together as perfectly as they did. Praise the Lord! :)

To top it off, all the women came with open minds to learn and all had the greatest attitudes. There was no complaining, no drama, no problems of any sort. God was able to work in the lives of the women who came, and now I pray for life application. There was a ton of encouragement throughout this day and I pray that would not stop now that the day is over. Same with the women loving each other, being open with each other, and the healing and learning that springs from that. It was so beautiful to hear the voices of Christian women singing praises to God!!

Ladies, lets not forget the lessons that were learned today.. lets be there for each other in order for us all to grow closer to God :)

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Life right now

So I am sitting here just thinking about life. I can tell I have fallen into a rut which is never a good thing. I have my daily routines, not much changes from day to day. I am content. Not joyful not sorrowful not searching for excitement not changing peoples lives.. being content really isn't good enough. God has so much more in store for me then just coasting but I have to be open, actively looking, and ready for those opportunities. He brings so much love and joy to my life, its dangerous to lose sight of that. I don't want to be a lukewarm follower of Christ, that brings absolutely no glory to God..

now my number one prayer is against this rut of being content, that I would seek God first in all that I do, that I would bring Him glory in all that I do, that I would constantly desire more of Him in my life, more of His love and joy so that it would overflow to every person that crosses my path, that my faith would be hotter than fire and consume any thoughts or feelings that my life is just fine as is. I NEED God in my life, I NEED Jesus as my Savior, I NEED the Holy Spirit to guide me, comfort me, intercede for me, reveal truths to me.. and I am so thankful that I do.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

~The Day of Love~

Well we are heading right into Valentine's Day, the day of love. Here are a few, brief thoughts on the topic, starting with a few verses from the love chapter in the Bible:

"Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails." ~I Corinthians 13: 4-8a

This describes the perfect, unconditional love that God gives us. It never ceases to amaze me that God loves us in this way.

"Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for his friends" ~John 15:13

This is exactly what Jesus did for us when He died on the cross to pay for our sins, He literally layed down His life for each and everyone of us, demonstrating the greatest love that exists.

Set aside some time today, first read Luke 10:25-37, write out how you see love demonstrated in this passage and how this should translate into your own life, then read and meditate on I John. I cannot think of a better way to celebrate the day of love :)

Thursday, February 4, 2010


There are many things that come directly to my mind on this topic.

My thought today is how prayer is an act of faith. When we pray we are actively showing our belief in God, that He hears us, that He will answer us, that He cares for us, that we do have an intimate relationship with Him with open communictaion. It is a direct form of praise and worship. It has a way of revealing part of God's character to us.

What are you praying for? What are you believing God to do in your life, through your life, in the life of the people around you? Our prayers really are endless and that is a beautiful and powerful thing.